Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The "Twins"

So different and yet so alike. Thank you for being up for
a quick photo even if there might be snakes, foxes or any
other "animals" in the grass!

Miss "A" you can just see the artist in you!

The amazing Miss "M" you are a deep
thinker. I wanted to capture that.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Miss "Dandy"

My little "Miss Dandy". She found this lone
dandelion during our hike at Trapp Family
Lodge. She loves her flowers!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

These little ladies were a "hoot" to work with. Between getting "goosed" by the stone wall, "wedgies" from leggings and playing "Simon Says" we captured a few fun moments. Miss "A", "K" & "C" Thanks for making my afternoon exciting. "A" is for Awesome - "C" is for Cute and "K" is for "Kickin" You can't go wrong with three awesome and "kickin' cute" kids! "A" don't EVER lose your enthusiasm for life! You definitely made this shot!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Miss "E"

So glad you were willing to put your new dress into the leaves!
It was worth this photo!


Lovin the hat and the "mischievous fun" in your eyes!

Thanks "E" for the great afternoon!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Some Favorites Pics w/ New Edits

My boy just chillin'

I was lovin' the red doors of this ol' horse barn.

Great color contrast for these shots of Gigi.

The infamous Harley